From Obstacles to Opportunities

Turn Inner and Emotional Challenges into Renewed Confidence and Motivation

Trying to Make a Difference but Feeling Stuck?

It’s a familiar story for many who aim to reshape the world.

The roadblocks you encounter often reach beyond personal limitations, stemming from the realm of unconscious ancestral loyalties and existential questions about your purpose and place in the world.

It’s easy to get caught in loops that drain your energy and dull your motivation.

You may get caught up in patterns like:

Responsibility vs. Control: Toggling between excessive responsibility and a strong desire to control everything, often leading to feelings of being overstretched or burnout.

The Overwhelm Cycle: Trapped in cycles of stress, resulting in confusion, procrastination, and shutdown, even with coping strategies in play.

Emotional Weight: Constantly managing a low-level undercurrent of emotions such as anxiety, sadness, loneliness, guilt, or anger.

Creativity or Productivity Blocks: Facing barriers to initiating or completing projects, which can trigger a lack of motivation or feelings of despair.

Relational Tension: Repeatedly navigating conflicts and challenges in maintaining close connections, whether with a partner, family, or colleagues.

I’m willing to bet that you’ve already put in a lot of work to overcome these obstacles.

You have tools like mindfulness, self-compassion, yoga, breathing, journaling, and maybe even some Atomic Habits or (gasp) cold showers.

Traditional coping strategies, while beneficial, might not address the root causes of these patterns. 

I’m guessing you’re here because now it’s time for something completely different. 

A Path Forward

Generational and existential self-reclamation provides a framework for understanding and transforming these inherited or deeply ingrained challenges into strengths using a broad spectrum of  modalities, including:

  • Felt Sense, Image, and Metaphors: Exploring internal conflicts beyond logic with creative, somatic processes.
  • Existential Nervous System Work: Transforming wordless threat responses from limitations to a source of strength and mind-body connection.
  • Individual Systemic Constellations: Employing visualization, representation, and ancestral mediumship to understand and resolve family or personal dynamics with abstract concepts (e.g., money, success, creativity).
  • Shamanic Unraveling: Releasing  binds and attachments to free life force and clear the path forward.
  • Psycho-energetic-genealogy: Identifying and rewriting the ancestral dynamics driving both your unconscious blocks and your destiny through systemic ancestral and biographical analysis.
  • Personal Ritual & Spiritual Practices: Developing rituals and practices to support energetic boundaries, sovereignty, and emotional wellbeing.

Your Guide

Hi, I’m Sara, a neuroscientist turned generational and existential healing facilitator. Early life experiences, marked by divorce and familial and personal mental health challenges, lit a fire in me to understand and address the root causes of these issues.

This search took me from religious altars to academic labs and lecture halls, but I ultimately found a balanced fusion of science and spirituality.

I’ve blended scientific expertise with training as a Wayfinder Life Coach, a practitioner of Norse/Germanic shamanic healing arts, and a facilitator of systemic generational healing based on family constellations.

This enables me to help individuals see, understand, and consciously relate to the unconscious generational and personal events that manifest as recurrent challenges.

Benefits of Self-Reclamation

Generational & Existential Self-Reclamation isn’t about temporary fixes, it offers a pathway to understand, embrace, and transform deep-seated challenges into sources of strength and wisdom. Benefits of this work include:

  • Enhanced Vitality: Increased access to life energy, health, joy, contentment, clarity, and confidence.
  • Grounded Stability: Feeling grounded even amidst chaos.
  • Empowered Boundaries: Feeling secure in letting others carry what is theirs.
  • Deep Self-Acceptance: Self-understanding and radical acceptance of all of you, even the “shameful” parts.
  • Adaptive Resilience: Knowing how to respond to new challenges.
  • Renewed Purpose: Discovering a sense of purpose that makes even mundane tasks feel more fulfilling.
  • Inherent Belonging: Remembering the belonging that is your birthright.

This transformative approach redefines your relationship with your lineage and your role in the world, fueling motivation, energy, and purpose for a deeply satisfying and meaningful life.

Are You Ready to Reclaim Your Path?

The first step is clarity.

    Out of the Fog Assessment and Consult

    This foundational session is where all new clients start.

    Define your current challenges and explore the potential generational and existential influences shaping your life.

    You’ll leave with valuable insights, a clearer vision of your path, and recommendations for next steps so you can make informed decisions —whether you choose to collaborate with me or apply these insights on your own.

    Cost: $99

    After your Out of the Fog Assessment & Consult there are 3 initial ways to work with me 

    rolling thunder session

    A focused, single session designed to clear immediate obstacles. Ideal for acute issues, maintenance for past clients, or as an introduction to new clients. Think of it as the clearing of a thunderstorm, offering fresh perspectives and renewed energy.

    Inner Landscape Navigation

    A 3-month exploration of the complex terrains of your inner world, transforming existential threats into strengths, and clearing spiritual blocks for a deeper connection with yourself and your birthrights.

    Ancestral Throughlines

    A 6-month initiatory deep dive, beginning with a systemic biographical and ancestral pattern analysis. This package aims to identify and resolve the ancestral drives behind persistent patterns, supporting sustainable & impactful work.

    Client Feedback

    This work has improved my relationship with my parents. I have a lot more compassion for them and I really truly think I see changes in them from this, which is crazy, and just like their willingness to be more open about things. 

    I can recognize when I’m taking on responsibility for other people, and realize that I am trying to end human suffering by myself and let that go, and be like oh that’s not my job!

    I don’t know how to make that sound as big of a deal as it is in words, because it is a big deal. 

    And I have way more ability to be okay with the fact that people may have thoughts and feelings about that or me but I can just be more confident in myself and what I offer. 

    I am owning a level of confidence that was so unattainable and even impossible to think about. 

    Client Feedback

    Sara is amazing!

    Her work is very powerful and rooted in compassion. I highly recommend.

    I can’t get over how good sessions with Sara are! So much healing, progress, and recovery all in one session. She is the perfect balance of skill and intuition and offers you kindness as you work through your challenges.

    Work with Sara, she is gifted, wise, compassionate and committed to her craft.

    Client Feedback

    Sara has been like a companion, collaborator, and guide walking me through this work with compassion, understanding and a good sense of humor. 

    I feel less overwhelm and less controlling and that leaves me open to possibility.  

    This work is a good fit for people who’ve worked with other practitioners and are doing their own work but continue to feel stuck, like they can’t move past something.   

    This falls in the top three of best money I ever spent. 

    Client Feedback

    I wanted to work with Sara because I thought that maybe some of my life issues could have to do with my ancestors. 

    I have learned to feel gratitude for my grandparents and appreciate their difficulties and how their lives affected my mother. I learned that my mom’s feelings of helplessness caused me to fix things for her to save her and myself since early childhood and I am practicing to let go of fixing things for her. 

    I most benefited from your perspective on my overzealous loyalty to parents, versus to myself and my husband, to the point where I was giving up my own happiness for my parents’ sake.

    All of this is helping me to stabilize my emotions.

    The coaching on a regular basis on such hard issues that I was going through helped me because no one else was able to help me work with my pain.

    Client Feedback

    When I started this work, I felt like a shell of a human. I was exhausted, pessimistic, lacking vision, creativity, joy, or any desire to do much of anything. Internally, I was lacking any true level of compassion for myself. 

    After doing this work, I feel that I am able to take steps back, shift my perspective, provide space for myself to lean into whatever emotions come up throughout my experiences, and explore with kindness what I need, don’t need, or even what I want.

    I found freedom to exist in a way that feels true to who I am.

    Client Feedback

    I was drawn to work with Sara because she’s been a neuroscientist and combined science with woo, for lack of a better word


    I don’t trust a lot of coaches but I do feel like your background and experience and your openness with it all and my own journey and all the modalities that you’ve played with, made me trust you and want to work with you. I like people who can do a variety of things. 

    Client Feedback

    I have gained so much clarity on what was bothering me about my job and career.

    You were so incredibly understanding.  Even when things were difficult for me to put into words, you were working with me to verbalize what I was feeling.  

    I have found more confidence in my career decisions… I found strength to go through the transition with my head held high. 

    You are intuitive, sensitive to so many emotional issues, so compassionate, knowledgeable and patient.  I would recommend you to anyone that feels lost or is looking for something different in their career. 

    Sara is safe to get deep with.  She is trustworthy and really listens to hear what is going on with someone.  I would almost say, don’t use Sara if you don’t want to get to the issues.

    Client Feedback

    With Sara, clients can travel to any “where or when” because they know she will gently draw them back to their current time and place.

    Sara provides a grounded solidity that allows people to dive deeply into their own journey.

    A journey that would terrifying to take alone, even if they knew the way.

    Ready to take the first step?

    Out of the Fog Assessment & Consultation

    Uncover insights into elusive barriers and the impact of early life and ancestral experiences, while reassessing your strategies and support to identify why you’re stuck and navigate a way forward.

    Frequently Asked questions

    How do I get started?

    If you haven’t completed an Out of the Fog assessment & consultation, go to this page and book one. If in that session we determine this program is a good fit for you now, you will be invited to sign up.  

    If you’ve already done your assessment and consultation, you can email me at to initiate signing up or to ask any remaining informational questions. 

    Based on your written reflection and our 1:1 time I will also be able to make specific recommendations and projections about what is going on, what you might be able to expect and what else you’ll need to do to get what you want.

    DO I have to start with the assessment session?

    I like to do good and efficient work and I’m sure you do too. The best way to know if it is worth investing in this work is to take a little bird’s eye view of things to make sure you have the foundations in place to be successful. This is why we start with the Out of the Fog Assessment and Consultation.

    Based on your written reflection and our 1:1 time I will also be able to make specific recommendations and projections about what is going on, what you might be able to expect and what else you’ll need to do to get what you want.

    What if I've already done ancestral work with you?

    If you’ve already completed work with me that involved an extensive ancestral history (previously called “unbound”) you do not need to complete an Out of the Fog session.

    You can initiate continuation work with me via email ( or directly book a Rolling Thunder single session for any issue.  

    Clients who’ve completed ancestral work (through Ancestral Throughlines or my previous Unbound program) with me receive 10% off of single sessions, just use the code “ancestral” when booking. 

    I'm not sure I'm ready for this

    That makes sense.  This is big work and does require that you have some coping tools already.  This is part of what we assess in the Out of the Fog Assessment and Consultation.  You can also get a taste for how I hold the work (not including ancestral dynamic analysis) by doing a Rolling Thunder Session for a more acute (immediate) challenge or issue. 

    Trust your gut. It could be that another time is more appropriate or another practitioner. 

    Will this clear all my generational trauma?

    Even if you engage with Ancestral Throughlines to initiate generational work, I believe that it is neither your responsibility nor a possibility to clear all your lineage’s trauma.  It’s one of those things that “takes a village”  over many generations, you know?  Instead, we focus on what you want and tackle what’s in your way, because it is the most effective, potent, and rewarding way to go.  What we do in this 6 months is set you up to have experience working with the relevant boulders on your path, so that when you come upon a similar stone later on you know what to do, or can get targeted help if you get stuck.

    who is this a good fit for?

    My work, in general, is a good fit for folks who’ve already done some personal development, healing or therapeutic work.  This works is good when you’ve got your bearings, aren’t in crisis and are on your second or third pass through the issues you thought would be taken care of by therapy.

    I know, we all think that once we’ve looked at something it won’t have an effect on us anymore.  The reality is that whatever themes have always been an issue will be your themes you work with for the rest of your life.  The good news is they can go from complete, impassable boulders in the middle of the river of life to becoming pebbles, mere sensitivities that actually can become a source of strength and wisdom in your life and work.